Stephen Tharp, Orgel / 18.08.2024





Jean-Baptiste LULLY (1632 - 1687)

Overture, from Phaeton (1683)

(Organ adaptation by Stephen Tharp)


Pierre COCHEREAU (1924 - 1984)

Improvisation “Boston Symphony” (1956)

- Grave

- Scherzo

- Adagio

- Toccata

(Organ adaptation by Jeremy Filsell)


Modest MUSSORGSKY (1839 - 1881)

Pictures at an Exhibition (1874)

- Promenade (walking through the exhibit)
- Gnomus (Gnome)
- Promenade
- Il Vecchio Castello (The Old Castle)
- Promenade
- Tuileries (children quarreling after play)
- Bydlo (Oxen)
- Promenade
- Ballet of the Chicks in Their Shells
- Two Polish Jews, One Rich, the Other Poor
- Promenade
- Limoges, The Market Place
- Catacombae: Speculum Romanum (the violence and poetry of darkness) / Con Mortuis in Lingua Mortua (With the Dead in a Dead Language)
- Baba Yaga: The Witch on Foul’s Legs – cadenza by Jean Guillou
- The Great Gate at Kiev

(Organ adaptation by Stephen Tharp)

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Anmelden Abmelden

CD: Trompete und Orgel

Johannes Sondermann (Trompete)

Johannes Götz (Orgel)

Werke von L. Mozart, J.B. Bach, M. Haydn, J.S. Bach, F.X. Richter, G. Morandi, G. Verdi

Hörbeispiel: Giovanni Morandi (1777 - 1856) 

Rondo Con Imitazione De' Campanelli

Johannes Götz, Orgel